Submission date
Registration date
Last edited
Recruitment status
No longer recruiting
Overall study status
Condition category
Digestive System
Prospectively registered
Protocol added
SAP added
? Results not yet added and study completed for less than 1 year
? Raw data not yet added
Study completed

Plain English Summary

Background and study aims
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a form of inflammatory bowel disease. Symptoms of the disease include diarrhoea, abdominal pain and an increase in the need to use the toilet. Patients can go for months with no, or very mild symptoms (remission) and then suffer a flare-up (relapse) where symptoms become much more severe; hospital treatment can become necessary in the worse cases. There is some evidence that the appendix has a role in the regulation of inflammation within the bowel, and that removing the appendix (appendicectomy, also commonly known as appendectomy in Europe/the US) may have a positive impact on how active UC is. Results from a previous study also show that appendicectomy is safe and attractive to patients and their doctors and had better outcomes. However, the study was not designed to be large enough to prove any definite benefit. This study is a larger clinical study to complement a study currently being carried out in The Netherlands using the same design and study procedures. This will allow the researchers to combine their findings with the Dutch group in one large analysis, thereby obtaining a more robust result and in a more timely fashion. The overall aim of the research is to find out whether removing the appendix (appendicectomy) can reduce the chances of a patient experiencing further flare-ups of their Ulcerative Colitis (UC) in the future months.

Who can participate?
Patients aged 18 or over with proven ulcerative colitis who have experienced a flare-up of disease symptoms within the last 12 months, but with currently little or no disease activity (remission)

What does the study involve?
First, patients are checked to see if they are in remission by examining the large bowel with a camera (endoscopy) and/or testing a stool sample (faeces) for signs of inflammation (faecal calprotectin test). If the patient agrees to participate in the study, they are asked to sign a consent form and then asked to complete questionnaires about their quality of life. They are asked to complete the same questionnaires every 3 months for 1 year. The participant is then randomly allocated to either the appendicectomy group or the ‘control’ or comparison group. Those in the appendicectomy group have an operation to remove their appendix, continuing with their usual medication(s). Those in the control group simply continue with their usual medication(s). After this stage, follow-up involves regular reviews to discuss symptoms and complete further questionnaires. These reviews are scheduled to take place at around 6 weeks (appendicectomy group only for standard post-operative checks), 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after entry to the study and take place in hospital at outpatient clinics. However, the reviews at 3, 6 and 9 months may be done over the telephone. At the end of the trial (12 months) participants are asked to undergo one final camera examination of their bowel. If during the 12 months periods, the participant feels they are developing symptoms of a flare, they are asked to contact the research team at their hospital to arrange an urgent review, and possibly blood tests and a camera examination of the bowel.

What are the possible benefits and risks of participating?
For participants in the control group, there will be no disadvantages from a medical point of view as they will receive standard treatment with medications as they would anyway. Additionally, the reviews planned every 3 months throughout the trial (with the exception of the final 12-month review) can be completed over the phone if visit the outpatient clinics are not always convenient. The only additional burdens are the camera tests at the beginning and end of the study. In addition, the appendicectomy group will have an operation, which is an additional treatment compared to the routine care of patients with UC. Like any surgery there is always the possibility of complications. The researchers have done their best to reduce the chances of these by ensuring that only experienced and specialised colorectal consultant surgeons undertake operations during the trial. All adverse events relating to the operations within the study will be carefully recorded as this is important information to know if this operation is offered more widely to UC patients. For participants in the control group, there is unlikely to be any personal benefit from taking part in the trial, although they will undergo a period of careful disease and medical treatment monitoring. Some patients will draw satisfaction from the knowledge that their involvement, in either group, will help determine if this new proposed treatment has the potential to benefit all patients affected by UC. For the appendicectomy group, if the operation does prove to have an impact on the disease activity in UC, there may be a potential benefit to an individual patient in taking part in terms of reducing the number or severity of disease relapses. This may in turn impact upon the future use of medication, number of hospital admissions and the need for major bowel surgery.

Where is the study run from?
The study will run across the UK including at least 10 hospitals including in Birmingham, Leicester, Cambridge, Sheffield and London.

When is the study starting and how long is it expected to run for?
May 2019 to November 2023

Who is funding the study?
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR): Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (EME) Programme (UK)

Who is the main contact?
Manjinder Kaur,

Study website

Contact information



Contact name

Mrs Manjinder Kaur


Contact details

Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit
Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B29 2TT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 414 9104



Contact name

Prof Thomas Pinkney


Contact details

Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit
Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B29 2TT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 414 9012



Contact name

Miss Ruth Evans


Contact details

Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit
Public Health Building
University of Birmingham
B29 2TT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 414 9012

Additional identifiers

EudraCT/CTIS number

Nil known

IRAS number

254954 number

Nil known

Protocol/serial number

CPMS 40580, IRAS 254954

Study information

Scientific title

An international multicentre randomised controlled trial to assess the effect of Appendectomy on the Clinical Course of ulcerative colitis; UK arm



Study hypothesis

Appendicectomy will result in an improved clinical course in UC compared to those undergoing standard care, with an increased chance of maintaining remission and an associated improvement in overall symptoms.

Ethics approval(s)

Approved 29/07/2019, East Midlands - Leicester South Research Ethics Committee (The Old Chapel, Royal Standard Place, Nottingham, NG1 6FS, UK; Tel: +44 (0)207 104 8109; +44 (0)207 104 8036; Email:, ref: 19/EM/0191

Study design

Multi-centre phase 3 two-arm outcome-assessor blinded prospective randomised controlled trial

Primary study design


Secondary study design

Randomised controlled trial

Study setting(s)


Study type


Patient information sheet


Ulcerative colitis


Current intervention as of 27/10/2021:
This UK study will recruit up to 90 UC patients currently in disease remission and randomly allocate them into one of two groups, the appendicectomy group or the control group. Those in the control group take their standard tablet medication as usual. Those in the appendicectomy group also take their usual medication but they also undergo an appendicectomy. All patients will then be followed up for one year with information about disease activity, medication use, health-related quality of life, health resource usage obtained.

Previous intervention:
This UK study will recruit 90 UC patients currently in disease remission and randomly allocate them into one of two groups, the appendicectomy group or the control group. Those in the control group take their standard tablet medication as usual. Those in the appendicectomy group also take their usual medication but they also undergo an appendicectomy. All patients will then be followed up for one year with information about disease activity, medication use, health-related quality of life, health resource usage obtained.

Intervention type


Primary outcome measure

Current primary outcome measure as of 27/10/2021:
One-year UC relapse rate (defined both clinically and endoscopically as Mayo score ≥5 with endoscopy subscore of 2 or 3), or in absence of endoscopy based on review by an independent critical event committee of clinical information suggesting relapse such as exacerbation of symptoms and rectal bleeding or FCP>150 (> 4 weeks after surgery) or intensified medical therapy other than 5-ASA therapy.

Previous primary outcome measure:
One-year UC relapse rate (defined both clinically and endoscopically as Mayo score ≥5 with endoscopy subscore of 2 or 3)

Secondary outcome measures

Current secondary outcome measures as of 29/03/2023:

1. Number of relapses per patient at 12 months
2. Time to first relapse (defined as time between randomisation in the control group or laparoscopic appendectomy in the intervention group and, the first day of clinical symptoms of an endoscopically or clinically confirmed relapse)
3. Health-related quality of life and costs measured using (EQ-5D-3L, EORTC-QLQ-C30-QL and IBDQ at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months post-randomisation
4. Disease activity, as measured with the Mayo score at 12 months or relapse (if earlier)
5. Colectomy rate at 12 months
6. Resource usage, including medication usage, diagnostic tests undergone outside of the trial (laboratory work, radiological and endoscopic assessments), inpatient costs and health professional interactions


Previous secondary outcome measures as of 27/10/2021:

1. Number of relapses per patient at 12 months
2. Time to first relapse (defined as time between randomisation in the control group or laparoscopic appendectomy in the intervention group and, the first day of clinical symptoms of an endoscopically or clinically confirmed relapse)
3. Health-related quality of life and costs measured using (EQ-5D-3L, EORTC-QLQ-C30-QL and IBDQ at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months post-randomisation
4. Disease activity measured with the Mayo score at 12 months or relapse
5. Colectomy rate at 12 months
6. Resource usage, including medication usage, diagnostic tests undergone outside of the trial (laboratory work, radiological and endoscopic assessments), inpatient costs and health professional interactions


Previous secondary outcome measures:

1. Number of relapses per patient at 12 months
2. Time to first relapse
3. Health-related quality of life and costs measured using (EQ-5D-3L, EORTC-QLQ-C30-QL and IBDQ at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months post-randomisation
4. Disease activity measured with the Mayo score at 12 months or relapse
5. Colectomy rate at 12 months
6. Resource usage, including medication usage, diagnostic tests undergone outside of the trial (laboratory work, radiological and endoscopic assessments), inpatient costs and health professional interactions

Overall study start date


Overall study end date


Reason abandoned (if study stopped)


Participant inclusion criteria

Current inclusion criteria as of 29/03/2023:

1. Histologically confirmed Ulcerative Colitis
2. Disease relapse within 12 months prior to randomisation medically treated until remission
3. In clinical remission at time of randomisation with partial Mayo score less than 3 and presumptive endoscopic Mayo subscore of 0 or 1, identified by either:
3.1. Colonoscopy (within 3 months) examining the full length of the colon and rectum
3.2. Sigmoidoscopy (within 3 months) examining the last part of the colon (sigmoid and rectum) with faecal calprotectin less than 150 ug/g (within 3 months)
3.3 FCP less than 150 µg/g (within 3 months) with a personal history of raised FCP levels (>500 µg/g) during a previous disease flare-up at any stage
4. Aged 18 or over
5. Patient able and willing to give written informed consent


Previous participant inclusion criteria as of 27/10/2021:

1. Histologically confirmed Ulcerative Colitis
2. Disease relapse within 12 months of randomisation medically treated until remission
3. In clinical remission at time of randomisation with partial Mayo score less than 3 and presumptive endoscopic Mayo subscore of 0 or 1, identified by either:
3.1. Colonoscopy (within 3 months) examining the full length of the colon and rectum
3.2. Sigmoidoscopy (within 3 months) examining the last part of the colon (sigmoid and rectum) with faecal calprotectin less than 150 ug/g
3.3 FCP less than 150 µg/g (within 3 months) with a personal history of raised FCP levels (>500 µg/g) during a previous disease flare-up at any stage
4. Aged 18 or over
5. Patient able and willing to give written informed consent


Previous participant inclusion criteria:

1. Histologically confirmed Ulcerative Colitis
2. Disease relapse within 12 months of randomisation medically treated until remission
3. In clinical remission at time of randomisation with partial Mayo score less than 3 and presumptive endoscopic Mayo subscore of 0 or 1, identified by endoscopy (within 3 months). The endoscopy will be either:
3.1. Colonoscopy examining the full length of the colon and rectum
3.2. Sigmoidoscopy examining the last part of the colon (sigmoid and rectum) with faecal calprotectin less than 150 ug/g
4. Aged 18 or over
5. Patient able and willing to give written informed consent

Participant type(s)


Age group


Lower age limit

18 Years



Target number of participants

Planned Sample Size: 272

Total final enrolment


Participant exclusion criteria

Current participant exclusion criteria as of 27/10/2021:
1. Previous appendicectomy or other major abdominal surgery precluding safe laparoscopic appendicectomy
2. Any suspicion of Crohn’s disease
3. Disease recently treated with biologicals (within 3 months of randomisation)
4. Patients with significant comorbidity (e.g. unstable heart failure, liver or kidney failure, major lung co-morbidity)

Previous participant exclusion criteria:
1. Previous appendicectomy or other major abdominal surgery precluding safe laparoscopic appendicectomy
2. Any suspicion of Crohn’s disease
3. Disease recently treated with biologicals (within 3 months of randomisation)
4. Severe disease ever treated with biologicals and stopped due to secondary non-response
5. Toxic megacolon or severe ongoing active colitis at time of randomisation
6. Patients with significant comorbidity (e.g. unstable heart failure, liver or kidney failure, major lung co-morbidity)

Recruitment start date


Recruitment end date



Countries of recruitment

England, United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Mindelsohn Way
B15 2WB
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust
Bordesley Green East
B9 5ST
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Leicester Royal Infirmary
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Infirmary Square
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

St Marks Hospital
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
Watford Road
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Addenbrooke's Hospital
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Northern General Hospital
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Herries Road
S5 7AU
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Medway Maritime Hosptial
Medway NHS Foundation Trust
Windmill Road
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Derby Road
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
1345 Govan Road
G51 4TF
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Conquest Hospital
East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust
The Ridge
St Leonards-on-Sea
TN37 7RD
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

New Cross Hospital
Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Wolverhampton Road
WV10 0QP
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

University Hospital of North Tees
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
Hardwick Road
Stockton on Tees
TS19 8PE
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Countess of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Countess of Chester Health Park
Liverpool Road
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Wythenshawe Hospital
Southmoor Road
M23 9LT
United Kingdom

Study participating centre

Bristol Royal Infirmary
Marlborough Street
United Kingdom

Sponsor information


University of Birmingham

Sponsor details

c/o Dr Birgit Whitman
Room 117
Aston Webb Building
B15 2TT
United Kingdom
+44 (0)121 415 8011

Sponsor type





Funder type


Funder name

NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Co-ordinating Centre (NETSCC); Grant Codes: 16/61/35

Alternative name(s)

Funding Body Type

Funding Body Subtype


Results and Publications

Publication and dissemination plan

The protocol is available on the ACCURE-UK 2 website ( The findings will be published in international medical journals, publicised on the trial website and presented at relevant conferences.

Intention to publish date


Individual participant data (IPD) sharing plan

The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are/will be available upon request from Dr Laura Magill ( Access to available anonymised data may be granted following review.

IPD sharing plan summary

Available on request

Study outputs

Output type Details Date created Date added Peer reviewed? Patient-facing?
Protocol (other) 5.0 07/12/2021 29/03/2023 No No
HRA research summary 28/06/2023 No No
Statistical Analysis Plan 26/03/2024 27/03/2024 No No

Additional files

Editorial Notes

27/03/2024: Statistical analysis plan publication reference added. 30/03/2023: Internal review. 29/03/2023: The following changes were made to the trial record: 1. The secondary outcome measures were changed. 2. The link to the participant information sheet was updated. 3. The inclusion criteria were changed. 4. The total final enrolment was added. 5. The IRAS number was added. 6. A link to the protocol file was added. 7. The contact details were changed. 03/10/2022: The following changes were made to the trial record: 1. The recruitment end date was changed from 01/07/2022 to 01/09/2022. 2. The trial participating centres University Hospital of North Tees, Countess of Chester Hospital, Wythenshawe Hospital, Bristol Royal Infirmary were added. 3. A contact was added. 27/10/2021: Recruitment for this study is no longer paused and the following changes have been made: 1. The recruitment end date has been changed from 01/07/2020 to 01/07/2022. 2. The overall trial end date has been changed from 01/11/2021 to 01/11/2023 and the plain English summary has been updated to reflect this change. 3. The intention to publish date has been changed from 31/10/2022 to 31/10/2024. 4. The intervention has been updated. 5. The primary outcome measure has been updated. 6. The secondary outcome measures have been updated. 7. The participant information sheet has been added. 8. The participant inclusion criteria have been updated. 9. The participant exclusion criteria have been updated. 10. The trial participating centres "Medway Maritime Hosptial", "Queen's Medical Centre", "Queen Elizabeth University Hospital", "Conquest Hospital", and "New Cross Hospital" have been added. 16/04/2020: Due to current public health guidance, recruitment for this study has been paused. 12/08/2019: Trial's existence confirmed by the NIHR.